Chojer, H., Branco, P. T. B. S., Martins, F. G., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Sousa, S. I. V., 2022. Can data reliability of low-cost sensor devices for indoor air particulate matter monitoring be improved? – An approach using machine learning. Atmospheric Environment. 286, 119251.
Ródenas García, M., Spinazzé, A., Branco, P. T. B. S., Borghi, F., Villena, G., Cattaneo, A., et al., 2022. Review of low-cost sensors for indoor air quality: Features and applications. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. 1-33.
Sá, J.P.; Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V. “Application of the low-cost sensing technology for indoor air quality monitoring: A review“. Environmental Technology & Innovation 28:102551 (2022).
Sá, J.P.; Branco, P.T.B.S.; Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V. “Radon in Indoor Air: Towards Continuous Monitoring“. Sustainability 14 3 (2022):
Chojer, H.; Branco, P.T.B.S.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V.. “On-field performance test and calibration of two commercially available low-cost sensors devices for CO2 monitoring“. International Journal of Environmental Impacts 5 1 (2022): 15-22.
Cirqueira, S.; Rodrigues, P.F.; Branco, P.T.B.S.; Vormittag, E.; Nunes, R.; Anastacio, A.; Veras, M.; Sousa, S.I.V.; Saldiva, P. “Heterogeneous impacts of mobility restrictions on air quality in the State of Sao Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic“. Environmental Pollution (2022): 118984.
Branco P.T.B.S., Alvim-Ferraz M.C.M., Martins F.G., Ferraz C., Vaz L.G., Sousa S.I.V., 2020. “Impact of indoor air pollution in nursery and primary schools on childhood asthma”. Science of The Total Environment.
Chojer H., Branco P.T.B.S., Martins F.G., Alvim-Ferraz M.C.M., Sousa S.I.V., 2020. “Development of low-cost indoor air quality monitoring devices: Recent advancements”. Science of The Total Environment.
Chojer, H.; Branco, Pedro; Martins, F.G.; Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M.; Sousa, S.I.V.. “Real-world performance of low-cost sensors devices for Indoor Air Particulate Matter monitoring”. Paper presented in 13th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application, Thessaloniki, 2022.
Branco, Pedro; Alvim-Ferraz, Maria; Fernando Gomes Martins; Sofia I. V. Sousa. “Schools’ indoor air associated with childhood asthma: evidence from a multipollutant approach”. Paper presented in IndoorAir 2022 – 17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Kuopio, Finland, 2022.
Juliana P. Sá; Branco, Pedro T.B.S.; Alvim-Ferraz, Maria C.M.; Martins, Fernando G.; Sousa, Sofia I.V.. “Managing indoor air quality in nursery and primary schools with low-cost solutions”. Paper presented in Indoor Aid 2022 – 17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Kuopio, Finland, 2022.
Chojer, H.; Branco, P.T.B.S.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V.. “Real-world performance of low-cost ozone sensors and on-field calibration using machine learning”. Paper presented in 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, 2021
Juliana P. Sá; Branco, Pedro T.B.S.; Martins, Fernando G.; Alvim-Ferraz, Maria C. M.; Sousa, Sofia I.V.. “Impact of COVID-19 prevention measures on CO2 in a primary school – preliminary results”. Paper presented in 4th Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, 2021.
Chojer H, Branco PTBS, Martins FG, Sousa SIV. “Integration of low-cost particulate matter sensor nodes for indoor air quality monitoring”. Abstracts of keynote invited lectures and contributed papers of The Seventh International WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference, Particulate Matter: Research and Management. Belgrado, Sérvia. Outubro, 2019.
Sá J, Branco PTBS, Forstmeier A, Chojer H, Alvim Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Sousa SIV. “Performance of commercial low-cost devices to assess indoor particulate matter in nursery and primary schools”. Abstracts of keynote invited lectures and contributed papers of The Seventh International WeBIOPATR Workshop & Conference, Particulate Matter: Research and Management. Belgrado, Sérvia. Outubro, 2019.
Chojer H, Branco PTBS, Martins FG, Sousa SIV. “Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring”. 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering. Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Junho 2019.
Sá, J.; Branco, P.T.B.S.; Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V.. “Indoor VOC concentrations at nursery and primary schools: Impact of COVID-19 preventive measures”. In Air Pollution XXIX, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 77-84. WIT Press, 2021.
Barbosa, J.V.; Sá, J.; Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M.; Martins, F.G.; Sousa, S.I.V.. “Functional groups characterisation of indoor particulate matter in schools”. In Air Pollution XXIX, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 97-102. WIT Press, 2021.
Sá JP, Branco PTBS, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Sousa SIV. “Children’s Exposure to Indoor Air in Schools: Impact on Wheezing” In: Air Pollution XXVII, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, G. Passerini and C. Borrego (Eds.) WIT Press, Vol 236, pp. 205-212, 2019. ISBN: 978-1-78466-343-8.
Branco, P.T.B.S., Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M., Martins, F.G. ,Ferraz, C., Vaz, L.G., Sousa, S.I.V., 2020. Asthma in urban and rural pre- and primary schoolchildren according to the latest GINA definition. Allergy.
Branco, P. T. B. S., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2019. Quantifying indoor air quality determinants in urban and rural nursery and primary schools. Environmental Research. 176, 108534.
Sá, J., Branco, P., Alvim-Ferraz, M., Martins, F., Sousa, S., 2017. Evaluation of Low-Cost Mitigation Measures Implemented to Improve Air Quality in Nursery and Primary Schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14, 585.
Branco, P. T. B. S., Nunes, R. A. O., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Ferraz, C., Vaz, L. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2016. Asthma prevalence in Portuguese preschool children: The latest scientific evidence. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 22, 293-295.
Branco, P. T. B. S., Nunes, R. A. O., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Ferraz, C., Vaz, L. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2016. Asthma prevalence and risk factors in early childhood at Northern Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia (English Edition). 22, 146-150.
Branco, P., Nunes, R., Alvim-Ferraz, M., Martins, F., Sousa, S., 2016. Children’s Exposure to Radon in Nursery and Primary Schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13, 386.
Nunes, R. A. O., Branco, P., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2016. Gaseous pollutants on rural and urban nursery schools in Northern Portugal. Environmental Pollution. 208, 2-15.
Nunes, R. A. O., Branco, P. T. B. S., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2015. Particulate matter in rural and urban nursery schools in Portugal. Environmental Pollution. 202, 7-16.
Sousa, S. I. V., Branco, P. T. B. S., Nunes, R. A. O., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., 2015. Radon Levels in Nurseries and Primary Schools in Bragança District—Preliminary Assessment. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 78, 805-813.
Branco, P. T., Nunes, R. A., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C., Martins, F. G., Sousa, S. I., 2015. Children’s exposure to indoor air in urban nurseries – Part II: Gaseous pollutants’ assessment. Environmental Research. 142, 662-670.
Branco, P. T. B. S., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., Sousa, S. I. V., 2015. Children’s exposure to indoor air in urban nurseries-part I: CO2 and comfort assessment. Environmental Research 140, 1-9.
Branco, P.T.B.S., Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M., Martins, F.G., Sousa, S.I.V., 2014. The microenvironmental modelling approach to assess children’s exposure to air pollution – A review. Environmental Research. 135, 317-332.
Branco, P.T.B.S., Alvim-Ferraz, M.C.M., Martins, F.G., Sousa, S.I.V., 2014. Indoor air quality in urban nurseries at Porto city: Particulate matter assessment. Atmospheric Environment 84, 133-143.
Sousa SIV, Branco PTBS, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, 2013. Indoor air at an urban nursery in Porto, Portugal – weekday/weekend behavior. European Journal of Epidemiology, 28: S176-S177, 2013 (Abstract).
In Portugal, the SENSINAIR Project (PTDC/EAM-AMB/32391/2017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032391) is funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES.

In Brazil, the SENSINAIR project (2018/09011-9) was funded by: